Vladimir Pozner Part I
Russia's iconic TV journalist spoke to the CCI delegation to Russia September 3rd, 2019. Part 1, his presentation. Part 2, a lively Q&A.

Vladimir Pozner Part II
Russia's iconic TV journalist.

Vladimir Kozin Part 1
Vladimir Kozin, Chief Advisor and Head of Group of Advisors to the Director at the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies of the Presidential Administration. Highly trained scientist in the field of military science and nuclear weapons.
Someone EVERYONE needs to listen to....Yeah, he's that important and a very big deal in Russian Federation government.

Vladimir Kozin Part 2
Vladimir Kozin, Chief Advisor and Head of Group of Advisors to the Director at the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies of the Presidential Administration. Highly trained scientist in the field of military science and nuclear weapons.
Someone EVERYONE needs to listen to....Yeah, he's that important and a very big deal in Russian Federation government.

Russia is not our Enemy
Citizen diplomats, traveling with The Center for Citizen Initiatives to Russia in September, 2019, discovered that Russia is not our enemy. Their experiences are documented in several videos which can be found on CCI's Youtube channel.

Torzhok - 1000 year old Russian city
City is being revitalized through a Putin grant and by an entrepreneurial woman.

American Travelers Speak out About Russia
Forty four citizen delegates share their thoughts and discoveries after two weeks in Russia. They visited 20 cities from East to West and from North to South across Russia to learn what Russia and Russians are like. All were amazed at what they learned and all cherished the friendship they made. This trip marked the 36th anniversary of Sharon Tennison's work in Russia.