Dear CCI Friends,
Jack F. Matlock, Jr., our friend who served as U.S. Ambassador to the USSR from 1987-1991, was a participant in the negotiations which assured Soviet President Gorbachev that NATO would not move to the east if the Soviets would agree to the reunification of East and West Germany. He speaks plainly and clearly about how the West’s renunciation of that policy provoked the conflict in Ukraine.
Now, after three bloody years of needless waste of life and treasure, we may be looking at the possibility of an end to that conflict. Please read the following by Ambassador Matlock; it gives us hope.
“…anyone interested in peace rather than the threat of nuclear war should be congratulating President Trump.After all, if the war does end and Russia is brought back into cooperative economic relations with Europe and the United States, everyone will benefit. If the war and the attempted isolation of Russia continues, all will suffer and cooperation to deal with common problems such as environmental degradation, mass migration and international financial crime will become impossible.
I say this not as a Trump supporter — I did not vote for him and have been critical of most of his moves. But in regard to the war in Ukraine and relations with Russia, I believe he is on the right track.”
For reference, here is a timeline of the conflict created by Joe Lauria, editor of Consortium News.
We welcome your comments.
The Center for Citizen Initiatives