Dear CCI Friends,
You are all aware of the extraordinary interference (ostensibly by the US State Department) of Scott Ritter’s right to travel outside of the US which occurred at JFK airport as he was about to board a commercial airliner recently. “Extraordinary” is not applied to this situation casually; no commenters we have been able to find have ever heard of such an attack on the personal liberty of a US citizen engaged in such a common, legal activity.
While we wait to hear more details on this event we are sharing the following video with you and ask that you keep this in mind: Scott Ritter was going to Russia to engage in the same activity that many of us – CCI citizen diplomats – have participated in, citizen-to-citizen meets-ups in cities and regions all over Russia.
Please let us know your views on this situation.
The Directors
Center for Citizen Initiatives
“How Dangerous Is MICIMATT?”
June 4, 2024
Judge Napolitano interviews Ray McGovern on his Judging Freedom Livestream Broadcast in the immediate aftermath of Scott Ritter’s passport confiscation by the US State Department.