Dear CCI Friends,
Ambassador Jack Matlock represented the United States in the final years of the USSR as the two countries negotiated an ‘end’ to the Cold War. Would that that ‘end’ had endured.
On the occasion of his 95th birthday, Ambassador Matlock has compiled a collection of his writings on the subject of US-Russian relations since we, the US, inexplicably managed to bungle the opportunity for lasting peace that was within our grasp. He has allowed CCI to distribute his work to our community and we are honored to do so – with appreciation and gratitude for his contribution to peace between our countries.
“I am often asked whether I am a pessimist or an optimist. A frank answer would be that I am neither: I cannot foretell the future. Experience has taught me that life and politics can take unexpected turns. What I do believe is that attempts by the United States and its allies to dominate the world by military and economic coercion will fail. We and our allies must find a way to promote the peaceful settlement of disputes rather than encouraging and supporting violence. Until we do this the future of humanity is in jeopardy.” Chicago, Illinois, September 28, 2024
Thank you, Ambassador Matlock!
Paula Day, Pamela Tetarenko, Krishen Mehta, Directors
Center for Citizen Initiatives
“Looking Back to Look Ahead”
Thoughts of a Nonagenarian
Halfway through His Tenth Decade
October 1, 2024
By Jack F. Matlock, Jr.
Ambassador Jack Matlock turned 95 on October 1, 2024 and shares his reflections from his first-hand experiences.
He has kindly posted his book as a PDF file that can be downloaded from his website via the following link,