Dear CCI Friends,
These times are so perilous and most of our U.S. population is so unaware, that we, who are a bit better informed, need to keep up with “real news” often. We need several points of view, not just those from the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and CNN – institutions that always agree with each other.
I recommend *Johnson’s Russia List (JRL)*, which can be scanned daily or when possible. JRL carries multiple points of view in brief, easy-to-absorb, small blocks of text. David Johnson has felt so strongly about this type of news coverage that he has provided this service essentially pro bono for over two decades. It’s free for the asking! Once a year he sends out a note asking for small contributions, but no one is taken off the list, unless requested. He is a real public servant in our midst.
Email David Johnson at and request this essentially free information! Try it for a month or two and see if you would like to become a continuous receiver.
All the best,
Sharon Tennison
Center for Citizen Initiatives